
Vimeo: Venice in a Day

Gus4/30/2012 9:25:17 am PDT

Romney spokesman claims credit for Obama auto rescue Mitt repeatedly slammed

Mitt Romney tells two basic types of lies: the kind where he’s feeling awkward and unpopular and is just trying to make his audience like him more, for even an instant, and the brazen, ridiculous, intentional campaign lie. The latter case is where we get a campaign predicated on the idea that you just shake the Etch A Sketch and no one will notice. Just as the idea of the Etch A Sketch originated with Romney campaign adviser Eric Fehrnstrom, so do some of the most blatant lies. That’s certainly the case with Fehrnstrom’s new attempt to claim that President Obama’s rescue of the American auto industry was all Mitt Romney’s idea:

“[Romney’s] position on the bailout was exactly what President Obama followed. I know it infuriates them to hear that,” Eric Fehrnstrom, senior adviser to the Romney campaign, said.

“The only economic success that President Obama has had is because he followed Mitt Romney’s advice.”
