
The Moronic Convergence of ID Creationism and Islamic Creationism

zombie5/16/2009 5:12:28 pm PDT

Just arrived moments ago in the MoMail in-box — a strange email challenging the basis of Christianity but using only bizarre distorted Islamic sacred texts as the basis of the criticism:

Subject: very important
Date: Sat, 16 May 2009 15:50:43 -0700

Dear Sir,

Please incorporate my questions in you web

These people do not look into their own hearts, and do not
see that the Gospel is itself the target of countless objections.
Just imagine how strong the objection that falls upon
Maryas is, for she had pledged to serve the Temple all her
life and not to take a husband, but when her pregnancy became
apparent in its sixth or seventh month, the elders of
the community married her off to a carpenter by the name
of Joseph, while she was still with a child. And a mere
couple of months after going into his house, she gave birth
to a son who was named ‘Isa or Jesus. The first objection is
that, if this was indeed a miraculous conception, why did
they not wait until the child was born? The second objection
is that while Maryas had pledged to serve the Temple
for the rest of her life, why was this pledge broken and why
was she withdrawn from the Sacred House and given in
marriage to Joseph, the carpenter? The third objection is,
why was she married to Joseph during her pregnancy,
when it is strictly forbidden in the Torah, and when Joseph
himself was unhappy with the marriage and he already had
a wife living with him. Those who are against polygamy
are perhaps unaware of Joseph’s first marriage. A critic,
therefore, has every right to conclude that this marriage
was affected because the elders of the community suspected
Maryas of having conceived illegitimately.

Best Regards,

fazal ullah bismil