
The Incredibly Strange CPAC That Stopped Living and Became a Mixed Up Zombie

Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance3/13/2013 12:32:03 pm PDT

re: #282 CuriousLurker

My father-in-law has cancer and the Mother-in-law (who’d much closer to religion than he is) invited over her uber catholic latino friends. They said that My father-in-law and mother-in-law needed to be married in the church and until then they could not have “relations” and basically my FIL would not go to heaven if they didn’t get married in the church. They also said we needed to get rid of my cats and that my wife and I should get married in the church or we’ll be damned, blah blah blah.

My wife kindly informed them “Hell No” and that there’s no way I would go for it (she was quite correct). She also informed them that trying to talk to me would not result in anything good, for them anyway.

I went to a Mass with them once that was in remembrance of my FIL’s father. Turned out to be the longest church service I ever went to and wasn’t just for the FIL’s dad but for a ton of other people as well as normal church business. It was also the first time I have seen a collection plate passed around about 20 times.