
More Stealth Creationist Bills in Five More States, As the DI Mask Slips in Virginia

horse2/09/2009 5:57:02 pm PST

re: #304 Charles

I’m probably going to piss off our GOP hard cases even more soon, because I’ve been making an effort to research and understand the debate over climate change for the past few months, and I’m seeing a lot of the same Republican dishonesty as I see in the ID debate. I’m not ready to endorse climate change the way the left has, but there are serious problems with the way it’s being portrayed by people like James Inhofe.

Then I do hope you have gone through this site.

I have been following it for a couple of years. Over that time he has done a decent job bringing together the key issues around data accuracy/integrity, modeling methodologies, and physical evidence.

When you look at the science, AGW is just not there. There is a definite increase in CO2, but there is not a correlation to global temperatures. Most alarming, there are serious questions about data integrity.

The problem with the GOP is they have started getting on board the AGW train, just as it appears the bridge ahead isn’t actually finished.