
Mob Mentality at Town Hall Meetings

jvic8/08/2009 9:56:25 am PDT

re: #221 Sharmuta

Look- we can’t decry the thug tactics on the left and then hypocritically adopt them because we think they work. The reason why the right has lost is because it ceased being the party of the right, started spending like democrats. We did ourselves in with bad policies. Just because these tactics were used by the left doesn’t mean they were successful. If folks are going to promote the idea of acting like thugs, then be prepared for rational people to part company.

Indeed. I’m not interested in backing the slower horse in a race to the bottom.

I posted this yesterday:

Until the right firmly squelches its kooks and demagogues, it will not get the chance to govern again.

There is a difference between dissent and disruption. Well-framed dissent, accompanied by constructive alternatives, can get the right back into power. Disruption can sustain the seven- and eight-figure incomes of some “conservative commentators”.

If, heaven forbid, the right does get back in power via its kooks and demagogues, much worse than we’ve seen to date will lie ahead. (Thx, Ice, for cancelling the downding that that post attracted.)