
White Supremacists Plan to Recruit at July 4th Tea Parties

Mad Prophet Ludwig5/26/2009 7:21:48 pm PDT

I have been wracking my brain for the proper insult to Neo-Nazi scum and Jihadist garbage.

Because, seriously, the four letter words are not useful in general consumption and frequently get one dismissed unless talking to friends and words like swine, filth, garbage, scum etc.. simply do not come close to representing the full well of my anger disdain and disgust.

From now on, unless Charles deems it too vile, I shall refer to them as sootikins. Given what a sootikin is, it will be particularly appropriate for the jihadis. The neo nazis would not be bothered to look it up.

So I wish to say to all of the vomitous neo nazi and jihadi sootikins out thereā€¦ PEACE :)