
Tea Party Crowd Estimate: 60-70,000 People

skywarner9/13/2009 5:40:32 pm PDT

re: #308 Charles

The kooks are running this “movement.” Nobody seems to care.

Meanwhile, corruption is destroying our government - and by extension, our nation - from within.

This movement, like ANY movement, has its share of nutjobs, kooks, and wackos. It’s core, however, is composed of normal citizens who have gotten fed up with the mess we are passing along to our children and our grandchildren. I have never attended a protest of any kind in my entire 42 years, but I did attend in DC on Saturday and I am proud that I did. I will be indifferent no more.

The attendance numbers were easily in the hundreds of thousands. Heh - there were 60,000 people just standing in line to use the portable toilets!