
Overnight Video: Colombia - Timelapse

Killgore Trout8/15/2012 9:54:24 am PDT

This is curious.
Israel ‘prepared for 30-day war with Iran’

Israel’s outgoing home front defence minister says an attack on Iran would likely trigger a month-long conflict that would leave 500 Israelis dead.

Matan Vilnai told the Maariv newspaper that the fighting would be “on several fronts”, with hundreds of missiles fired at Israeli towns and cities.

Israel was prepared, he said, though strikes on Iran’s nuclear facilities had to be co-ordinated with the US.

Meanwhile, a US blogger has published what he says are Israel’s attack plans.

Richard Silverstein told the BBC he had been given an internal briefing memo for Israel’s eight-member security cabinet, which outlined what the Israeli military would do to prevent Iran developing nuclear weapons.

His wiki page says that he’s had verified scoops before so he does seem to have access to reliable leaks. However, checking his blog and blogroll he’s a lefty loon with Mondoweiss and MJ Rosenberg on his blogroll. He could have a real document of he might just be spreading misinformation.