
Saturday Night Jam: Bob Schneider, C'mon Baby

Dark_Falcon8/31/2013 7:53:04 pm PDT

re: #23 FemNaziBitch

I don’t understand the Syria move on Obama’s part. He knows the public will not support it. It’s an act in the Political Dog and Pony show. One that will be carried thru dress rehearsal, but not make opening night.

He made a mistake. Not some big “Outrageous Outrage!!1” mistake like the wingnuts scream about, but he said on several occasions that the US would not tolerate the Assad Regime using chemical weapons on its own people. He called it a “red line” and last week Assad’s younger brother marched clear across it. That has left Barack Obama in “put up or shut up” territory. If he doesn’t strike at Syria, then his talk of red lines will have been revealed as baloney.

Barack Obama is a smart man but he’s trapped himself on this one. Doesn’t mean he can’t get out, since the game’s not over yet, but he put himself in a bad position.