
And Now for Some Insane Raving About the SC KKK Rally, Brought to You by Glenn Beck's "The Blaze"

Charles Johnson7/19/2015 6:47:11 pm PDT

re: #27 freetoken

Not only do I agree with that, but I’m really wondering if the DNC is even functioning these days.

I’m sure they exist on paper and maybe in some conference room somewhere, but in fighting to win the minds of Americans they seem a bit AWOL on the national debate state.

Even with all the clearly ugly and hateful rhetoric over immigration, simply by repeating that story every day, day in and day out, the conversation will be fed by that rhetoric.

Donald Trump is not an anomaly. He’s the logical outcome of now over 3 decades of whining about brown people taking “American” jobs.

It takes a truly horrific event like the SC church murders to generate any real blowback against the hate-right. And even now the (toothless) remnant of the lost cause are still fighting their lost cause.

Yes. The race has started, and the GOP already has a big lead. It’s a mistake to think people like Donald Trump are going to discredit the Republican Party, IMO. These lunatics are getting the base even more excited and xenophobic.

While the Democratic Party is indulging in stupid internecine battles.