
Thousands Feared Dead in Haiti After Earthquake

HAL20101/13/2010 9:27:39 am PST

One of the tragedies of this story is that some saw it coming.

Fifteen months ago.

The question of the seismic threat to Port-au-Prince is a hot topic. It has been debated in recent days by many people, including high-ranking intellectuals. The conclusions are unanimous: PAP risks being transformed overnight into rubble after a violent quake. “For two centuries, no major earthquake has been recorded in the Haitian capital. The amount of energy accumulated along the fault runs the risk of an earthquake of 7.2 on the Richter scale. Better not even to talk about, there’s no need to panic. But it would be a catastrophe,” said the chief of the Bureau of Mines and Energy.

An absolute tragedy, I hope they receive all the help and assistance that they need as quick as possible.