
Wingnut Blogs Go Cuckoo Over Net Neutrality

martinsmithy12/22/2010 11:35:34 am PST

There are two groups of idiots here (not “here” literally, I mean “here” as in the right-wing nuts screaming about this issue:). There is undoubtedly some overlap between the two.

The first group are the raving lunatic Obamahaters, who see the Obama boogeyman under every bed (e.g. Pamela Geller).

The second group are the right-wingers who think that corporate America, once it takes over the internet, will do its best to shut out competing voices - a “Fox News” takeover of the internet. The Republicans in congress fit this bill, along with Michelle Malkin (although Malkin may be an example of the overlap - she is clearly a loony Obamahater too).