
Rick Perry's N-Word Hunting Ranch

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)10/02/2011 11:58:42 am PDT

The Post is citing a lot of interviews with people. Unless it’s making them all up, the name has been visible on the rock quite frequently, and often the people themselves thought that it would come up one day and harm him.

I find it kind of unlikely that the Post is just making up those interviews. I do find it possible that they slapped some paint on it and they just didn’t give a shit when the paint faded and the word was again visible.

That would actually make a good metaphor for the GOP race relations as a whole. Back under Bush the elder and then Bush the second, there were some minor attempts at being more pluralistic and less racist. Then the wingnuts took over, and the racism is showing through again.

In other news, the Rose Reading Room in the NYC public library is AWESOME.