
Wednesday Night Acoustic Jam: Jon Gomm, Dance of the Last Rhino

Higgs Boson's Mate11/06/2014 8:12:11 am PST

re: #314 HappyWarrior

Anyhow listened to NPR, two of the people there said Obama should not do the immigration reform because it would make things bad with the gop the next two years. My response is A) that well was already poisoned and B) I think he owes it after not acting before.

Why do Democrats do these things? The xenophobes weren’t going to vote for our candidates anyway, It seems to me that Obama’s punt on immigration simply validated the views of the xenophobes and disheartened our friends. All politics is local,” and elections often hang on “What have you done for me lately?” In the case of immigration the answer is “Not much.”