
Chuck C. Johnson and His Neo-Nazi Friends

goddamnedfrank3/09/2015 12:25:49 am PDT

So I saw this tweet and it sent me down the rabbit hole.

Hadn’t heard of Anissimov before, he’s quite the charmer.

Also hadn’t heard of the Neo Reactionary Movement before, but a lot of CCJ’s rhetoric comes directly from that:

The explicitly anti-democratic outlook of neoreactionaries has led to some commentators labelling them as Nazis or fascists. This is misleading. It’s true that racial politics is of interest to neoreactionaries - they often refer to it with the euphemism “human biodiversity” (or “HBD” for short). Nick Land in particular really dislikes the strong social taboo against racism, judging from the rhetorical energy he spends on it. But the neoreactionaries aren’t morbidly obsessed with race. These guys aren’t the SS, or even the Ku Klux Klan. Nor are they fascists in the stricter sense of the word. Neoreactionaries would reject the state-controlled economic model which was central to fascism. On the contrary, many of them seem to have a deep and uncritical love for freemarket capitalism.

Sound familiar?

Here’s a RationalWiki link to the various positions of the Neoreactionary Movement. It’s a hodgepodge of conglomeration of libertarianism, MRA jargon, traditional roles, white angst and the rejection of democracy. They honestly want to go back to a state of monarchy or feudalism, one where only the people they oppose will be put up against the wall.