
More Scenes From a Tea Party

austin_blue9/13/2009 7:19:23 pm PDT

re: #311 Oh no…Sand People!

Sad and weak.

His outburst was over ‘healthcare’. She is being completely dishonest with her ‘leap of logic’ on this one.

She can just state the facts later in her article without embellishing. Just like Van Jones record sans ‘troofer’ was damaging enough without the ‘trooferisms’.

Is there ‘racism’ at these events? Undoubtedly. But she is painting outside the numbers and making up her own for effect.

Guess you missed this part:

The outburst was unexpected from a milquetoast Republican backbencher from South Carolina who had attracted little media attention. Now it has made him an overnight right-wing hero, inspiring “You lie!” bumper stickers and T-shirts.

The congressman, we learned, belonged to the Sons of Confederate Veterans, led a 2000 campaign to keep the Confederate flag waving above South Carolina’s state Capitol and denounced as a “smear” the true claim of a black woman that she was the daughter of Strom Thurmond, the ’48 segregationist candidate for president. Wilson clearly did not like being lectured and even rebuked by the brainy black president presiding over the majestic chamber.