
Hitchens on Palin: 'A Disgraceful Opportunist and Real Moral Coward'

Walter L. Newton12/15/2009 4:09:16 pm PST

re: #311 Jaerik


Let’s go one step further. Let’s throw out every data set, every model, and every article that CRU has ever worked or collaborated on. Let’s wipe them off the face of the planet. Let’s even go back in time to do so.

There’s still 3-4 other climate centers using separate data and separate models that have arrived at precisely the same conclusion. In fact, the graphs are nearly identical.

How do you explain that one?

Because, most of the temperature data that has been compiled in the numerous datasets, like Harcrut3, have come from the same 4 to 5 sources, so, even though we are talking about different datasets, the foundation data elements in those dataset have all come from the same sources.

Hell, as you know, (well, maybe you don’t know), there is only so many temperature data points available monthly from 1850 until now.

Oh, and I am not going to go any further in discussing OTHER datasets and other modeling software, this is the only time I am going off topic, my topic, as I set forth a few comments ago.

I am concentrating on the Hadcrut3 dataset and the IT modeling practices of CRU.

Good try, didn’t work…