
Shocka! Right Wingers Speak Out Against Glenn Beck!

Dark_Falcon1/03/2010 10:57:44 pm PST

re: #312 freetoken

El Nino is still waxing strong:


… which means that all of those who believe we are in a 10 year cooling spell are in for a bit of a surprise (if they are paying attention).

All through 2009 the global temperature anomaly has been going up, and when the Dec numbers come in likely they will show that Dec 09 was a warm month, which will make 2009 one of the warmest years on record.

The continuation of the El Nino is expected to keep the temp anomalies during the first half of the year pretty high, which suggests that 2010 will be a very warm year too.

The deniers will still find a way to pretend that AGW doesn’t exist. If they run out of “scientific” theories, they’ll take page from the DNC playbook. Only instead “Blame Bush!”, it’ll be “Blame Gore”. IT’ll be just as stupid, and just as wrong.