
Creationists Given Academic Credit for Trolling

Sharmuta8/10/2009 7:59:03 pm PDT

re: #310 ludwigvanquixote

In the past few days I have developed some empirical evidence about Discos, Nirthers, Obama wants to Euthanize you types, and AGW deniers - and how they are the same kinds of people.

1. There is some sort of hysterical fear and persecution complex that allows them to bolster themselves to “greater resolve” in the face of reason. It allows them to justify the most slimy cons too. Everything is justified because they are fighting a noble crusade. They actually believe that someone evil and in power is out to get them and that the fix is in.

2. It is all a conspiracy. It is not romantic to see yourself as the victim of a hippie, so, they concoct all sorts of one world government coming to take you stuff and put you in a work farm fantasies.

For Nirthers, Deathers and anti AGW types, they see legions of hippie piloted black helicopters coming top get them. Though for AGW deniers, the conspiracy includes sinister scientists meeting in secret cabals.

For Disco guys it is all of the above, but also STAN himself…

3. No amount of evidence will sway them. If you show them the actual bill, or the actual Birth certificate, or the actual fossil and genetic record, or elementary QM that shows that carbon really does absorb IR and get hot (along with photos of chuncks of ice the size of small states breaking off of the poles), it doesn’t matter. That would lead to them being less persecuted by the sinister legions of hippies/commies/scientists/secularists who are out to get them.

4. Even pointing out, that while annoying, hippies are frequently too baked to pilot a black helicopter does not seem to help. There is also the issue that people feel betrayed by their own leaders. There is growing recognition that perhaps there were many more lies floating around on the right side of the aisle than previously suspected. This does nott in the least take away from the lies of the other side, but rather it causes some to take a firm stand on absolutes as a way of regaining control.

Think about it. Why get so emotional over these issues? If Obama really was born elsewhere, it would be easy to verify or not. If the caps were not melting, that too would be easy to verify or not. You could read the actual bill, there is no secret crematoria clause. If evolution happened, in the end, it does not preclude belief in G-d.

5. All of these people are fed by the same groups of right wing pundits and politicians, who do not believe the crap themselves (usually) but who are happy to use anything to whip up hysteria in a bid to gain some sort of power. So for all of these issues there is a lot of well funded disinformation to feed the dark fantasies of those worker ants.

I actually hate those types now for being as much of the problem as anything else. I mean Fox, and Rush and Coulter, and much of the GOP and Palin to name names. Lies, distortions and fear can never make a sound basis for good policy. But that is clearly secondary to getting power anyway.

While I adore this comment, I must add one factor- communists. They’re at the bottom of their own nefarious plots along with hippies and satan.