
Anti-Choice Group Edits Out Planned Parenthood Adoption Discussion

Targetpractice5/31/2012 9:02:32 pm PDT

re: #313 Dark_Falcon

You want good at a fast food place: Go to Wendy’s and get yourself a Baconator, especially a Double or Triple (not posted on the menu, but the register has the codes and the staffs know how to make it). The beef is good, and the bacon is excellent.

The only downside is that it has mayonnaise if you do not tell the person taking your order to leave it off. Mayo on burgers is something that came to the US from Quebec, or so I’ve heard. That mean’s it b-sharp’s fault, since he’s the main Canadian on this blog. Bad sharp, Bad!

Mayo on a burger’s not a bad thing, or at least not as bad as pineapple on a pizza. Now that is a punishable offense.