
Glenn Beck Breaks New Ground in Creepiness

Cato the Elder10/01/2009 1:01:09 pm PDT

re: #323 cptsci

Anyone raised in the church has heard the same sermon their whole life. The atheists are responsible for everything bad in the world. Yet as most people know, the majority of crimes committed today (and in the history of the civilized world) are done by people who subscribe to some religion or another. I am a “recovering” Christian, and neither I nor anyone I know who is an atheist could be even slightly considered to a menace to society. All are educated, employed, tax-paying, healthy, responsible and respectable people. What groups are constantly in the news for murdering, torturing, oppressing, etc?

Every single imaginable group, including atheists.

I personally don’t know any murdering, torturing, oppressing Catholics. But they exist.

Your statement is meaningless.