
Obama Family Gets a New Puppy, Daily Caller Says: "The Obamas Do Not Have Any White Dogs"

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion8/20/2013 1:51:29 pm PDT

re: #309 AlexRogan

Hey, the only ST:TOS movie that really blew chunks was The Final Frontier; ST:TMP was more or less, a decent transition of the series from TV to film, something that, AFAIK, had never been done before.

/”What does God need with a starship?”

The TOS movies were great (of course I’m not counting ST:V because that was an abomination).

TMP was a big screen version of what happened in many TOS episodes. Dealing with an out of control machine/anomaly/natural phenomena. It’s only flaw was being inaccessible to non-trekkies.

TWOK-SFS-TVH was “The Trilogy” and covered all of the bases that good TOS stories did (super villain, klingons, anomaly), and had the bonus of being accessible to non-trekkies.

The Undiscovered Country, a few flaws aside, was an excellent send off for the crew and old Enterprise.

Then TNG movies came and ruined everything.