
Cincinnati Tea Party Organizer: A Truther

aboo-Hoo-Hoo9/05/2009 4:52:02 pm PDT

Can we have some ‘Psycho’, **screech** **screech** **screech** background sound to accompany the following please? Obama looking for retirement plan reforms

The president framed the new policies as a response to the recession.

“I’ve heard from so many who’ve had to put off retirement, or come out of retirement, to make ends meet,” Obama said in his weekly address.

But the president also suggested that the recession should be a wake-up call to structurally change the American economy.

Even before the recession, Obama argued, Americans saved too little and borrowed too much.

And now we’re looking to borrow trillions from…well cluck…from anybody(outside our own Fed/Treasury) with an IQ lower than the freezing point - Celsius?