
Hamas in Minnesota

realwest2/02/2009 9:22:20 pm PST

re: #313 esch
Hey esch! Listen - you said “The problem is the out-of-control welfare and immigration, and the extremist left U culture.” and while I confess to not knowing much - actual nothing at all about Minn. welfare situation, what is the immigration problem you’re alluding to?
Cause I mean NO OFFENSE to any Minn Lizards when I say that I think Minn. may be the 3rd or 4th most liberal state in the nation (behind California New York and perhaps Wisconsin, although the fact that Minn has elected Keith Ellison and probably Al Franken would - in my mind - put it waaaay ahead of Wisconsin - and frankly California and NY have enormous illegal immigration problems.
Thus the fact that this “demonstration happened there doesn’t surprise me more than to hear it happened in Berkley or Manhattan.