
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): We're Not Afraid of a Shutdown

A Mom Anon9/30/2013 7:39:53 am PDT

Listening to the radio this morning (Stephanie Miller) and they were talking about the drinking while working thing over the weekend. Apparently, The Douchebag Caucus were seen by members of the press shopping in the local liquor stores a couple hours prior to this sham bullshit they pulled and the drinking was IN CELEBRATION of this idiotic stunt. So they were partying on the job, celebrating screwing over the country. The press needs to be pressed (heh) to start naming names, I want to know who was involved and have them explain why this is ok. I know people drink and function as alcoholics, happens a lot, but this is different. They were throwing a party while throwing the rest of us under the bus. Bullshit.