
Shocka! Obama's Gaffes Noticed by Mainstream Media

Taqiyyotomist3/30/2009 8:24:54 pm PDT

re: #22 zombie
re: #20 Sharmuta

So far I haven’t seen any evidence that his gaffes are hurting his popularity. I think this article is msm spin- it’s his POLICIES that are causing him to lose popularity. They don’t want us to notice.

re: #25 jaunte

“Watch the birdie…”

BINGO. Never mind the substantive things, look at the gaffes.

It’s exactly what they did with Billy Jeff. “The Right hates that Clinton had sex in the Oval Office,” but nevermind the bags of cash from China, Filegate, Whitewater. It was all about sex. Sure. The FMSM is a conman, and, EVIDENTLY, America is a mark.

Charles, the MSM is not “noticing” his gaffes, all of a sudden. They are using them to effectively distract the American TV-watching public from his disastrous policies. These gaffes are a godsend to the MSM right now, and just what they and Obama needed.