
Danish Conservative Speaks Out on Climate Change

R.B.Glennie9/21/2009 12:13:44 pm PDT

Charles, you’re entitled to your opinion and I don’t care to call you any name.

A few notes -

1 - a `conservative’ in the Euro context is quite distinct from a North American conservative; they are statists just like any Democrat, but want the state to take over everyone’s life just a little slower than those on the left

2 - I’m a big sceptic about global warming catastrophism. The scepticism that many `conservatives’ (to use the nominal term) have about this issue has little to do with the alleged `anti-science’ beliefs of the conservative movement - allegedly in turn informed by the religious right. It is simply that the g-w catastrophists haven’t proven their theory

3 - I agree with you to some extent: hydrocarbons are exasperbating a warming trend that is already in existence. What I disagree with you about is just what effect this will have on the env.

4 - A final point only bec. I don’t really have time: you claim that `conservatives’ have engaged in anti-science claims and exaggerations, the more so than the catastrophists. Naturally, I disagree.

Look at the claims from g-w catastrophists that have been debunked in the last few years (this is just at the top of my head) -

-the `hockey stick’ warming trend, which purportedly identified the last two centuries as the warmest EVER; this graph showed up on the cover of a past IPCC report and that was roundly shown to be untrue

-the alleged endangerment of the polar bear due to the vanshing of ice sheets

-the threat of renewed tropical diseases in temperate climates, when in fact these diseases existed in temperate climes during the period when the catastrophists maintain the earth was cooler

-the vanishing of the jet-stream, thereby causing an ice-age in europe

-some time ago, you posted an article which attacked the `myth’ that climate scientists touted a renewed ice age during 1970s; but again, it is not a myth, and some scientists who were suggested a new ice-age now tout the opposite.

As I said, it’s your blog, you can promote what you want. Subtlely was never your forte, but c’mon, everyone who disagrees with you on this matter isn’t a far-right lunatic.
