
UK Government: Greenwald's Partner Had a Password Written on a Piece of Paper

ObserverArt8/30/2013 10:45:55 am PDT

re: #300 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

If we do bomb Syria I can see the impeachment attempt already.

Hey!… I was just getting ready to add this post. We are on the same page.

Is the messy situation that President Obama finds himself in with Syria a potential setup for a Great Republican Impeachment Drive?

With the current political play by the Republicans, I can see them standing around and not backing Obama on anything hoping that whatever he chooses to do goes bad so they can pin it on him as some kind of impeachable offense.

I hate to be so cynical, but nothing the Republicans have done since the man has been in office makes me think they wouldn’t try some kind of setup for failure to score even more political points.

Please tell me I am way way off base!!! I want to be wrong.