
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars) Pledges to Ban Pornography, Support 'Robust Reproduction,' Fight Stealth Sharia

Birth Control Works7/08/2011 12:11:31 am PDT

re: #326 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

That would have been the case for whites of any stripe who wished to abuse nonwhites, whether or not they were serial killers. In many states, testimony against them by those seeking redress was illegal.

Look, only the neo-confederates and their sympathizers buy that old Song of the South hokum about the happy singing, tapdancing slave on the plantation, with the benevolent loving master. Normal people understand that’s a total myth. But I would say, the reality was even more harsh than the potential for psychopaths getting off on abusing vulnerable populations. The whole social system of whites-first/whites-rule was predicated on it, and many locales codified it into law.

I think I meant by “only the other slaves knowing” that his wife, children and neighbors wouldn’t find out. He’d get to go about his business in society with his little secret intact.