
Stunning Video: Ashes and Snow

Birth Control Works1/14/2013 9:39:28 am PST

re: #327 stabby

Obama record spending—least spending in 30 years

You have to understand, when Democrats spend money, they’re just spending money, but when Republicans spend money they’re trying to make the government go broke so that they can force the end of all social programs. As one of Reagan’s cabinat put it “we took away your toys!”

Making the government go broke so that you can end social security and medicare just to spite those lazy n*****s doesn’t count.

Strangely, I just read (listened to) last night nearly those exact same words in All The King’s Men, by Robert Penn Warren. . Elitist voters in the state were railing against the populist governor. This is in a novel awarded the Pulitzer in 1947.