
Obama Plays a Race Card from the Bottom of the Deck

BeyondBrooklyn7/23/2009 9:42:11 am PDT

A major issue with BHO’s statement is that it ends by noting the disproportionate frequency with which blacks and latinos are stopped by the police. What’s driving me nuts about this (part of what’s driving me nuts anyway) is that this is not even plausibly about profiling - this was not a discretionary stop for the police department; it was a 911 call. The decision to respond had nothing to do with race, ethnicity, neighborhood, time of day, etc. They don’t file through 911 calls and respond disproportionately to the ones that involve minorities. So, even if Crowley’s behavior after he arrived had been motivated by race (which I don’t think it was), racial profiling in the context of officers stopping people has NOTHING to do with this.