
The Arctic Ice is Getting Younger

lostlakehiker10/18/2009 8:49:39 pm PDT

re: #23 dentate

I think this is where the emphasis should be. In theory you can stop ANTHROPOGENIC climate change, but you cannot stop climate change. There is no “normal” climate for the earth, just a constantly changing average. The coastlines, especially in Europe and Southeast Asia, have changed radically over the last 10,000 years, sometimes rapidly; and smaller changes on smaller time scales happen all the time. The natural factors that cause this CAN’T be stopped. At least some time and energy should go into thinking about how to move populations and resources as coastlines change. And not all the changes will be negative, particularly if some thought goes into planning ahead for them.

A little thought might disclose that it would be cheaper to build some nuclear power plants and thereby avert the need to evacuate our coastal cities, than to have to abandon all that infrastructure and rebuild miles inland, then run out of coal and oil, and then build the nuclear power plants anyhow.