
A newbie's guide to nasty folks, stalkers and a history of banned types

Mad Prophet Ludwig7/06/2010 8:11:15 pm PDT

re: #30 Nimed

Alright. I’ve heard these 2 referenced a number of times, so I hope you know them.

- Nodrog (it’s an inversion of the name “gordon”)
- Sharmuta

Now, I’m making this suggestions in this page instead of the main thread because everybody went sort of apeshit when I made a joke about Sharmuta (the name is in the urban dictionary), and HoosierHoops asked me not to bring it up again. So I understand this is sort of a delicate matter. But she (it’s a she) does come up sometimes, so there you go.

Sharmuta is not a stalker. For a very long time, she was a fixture here. She left for a number of reasons that are personal and honestly open to speculation.

Nodrog was one of the original trolls of LGF, he was more of a classic troll than a full on stalker. He did briefly have an anti LGF site, but, to the best of my knowledge has moved on to greener pastures.