
Jon Stewart: The GOP Special Victims Unit

Scottish Dragon7/28/2011 11:09:42 am PDT

Tangentially on topic…

Wingnuts at Politico are screaming over the “hit piece” on Congressman Joe Walsh and his little $117,000 child support problem. Conservative victim and all that.

Commenter Reel’mericun has one of the best faux derp replies I have ever seen…

When asked about why he failed to pay child support, Joe Walsh replied that he was “Taxed Enough Already™,” and wasn’t willing to part with his money, which he had only recently obtained through his own hard work and individual initiative, just to create another class of socially dependent handout seekers who could easily get a job. When reminded that his children were, in fact, minors who needed his court-ordered contributions to be clothed, fed and educated, Walsh retorted that in Victorian Britain, these so-called “minors” frequently found gainful employment in mines, spinning mills and as chimney sweeps - all at the height of Britain’s imperial power and prestige. “Let this be a lesson,” Walsh continued, “that there is nothing so character building for a child, as working a 14 hour shift in a coal mine for a bowl of gruel with the overseer’s lash as a schoolmaster.” Taking the opportunity to promote his party’s energy plan, Walsh offered a market-based solution to the thousands of children dependent on child support legislation: “America is the Saudi Arabia of coal, we just need to allow the free markets to make use of it. By eliminating cumbersome government regulations regarding mandatory child support payments and child labor laws, we create a win-win situation, in which a whole generation of otherwise young and healthy future welfare recipients is promptly put to work securing our energy independence.”