
'Diary of Daedalus' Stalker Blog Links to Pro-Turner Diaries Video

Gus1/08/2012 6:37:19 pm PST

The Turner Diaries are there because Kel Thuz believes that will be the outcome and supports the premise of the book. And here is proof:

@enesdeape “The Turner Diaries” symbolize here the outcome of what would happen if Pinochet did not abolish the commies. And what WILL happen to America, if the current march towards socialism under Obama is not stopped in time.
Arjozof 1 year ago

@Arjozof - Turner Diaries is a great book, is actually NOT a nazi book, but very pro-freedom and gun rights, I like it alot. McVeigh was very good.
Evropae 1 year ago

Arjozof is Kel Thuz

He later makes this warning again referencing the Turner Diaries:

@Mattwolf1186 Both, actually. The MIR guerilla was formed by Allende, but financed and trained by Soviet and Cuban officers.

the Turner Diaries are symbolic of what might happen to America, if socialism is not stopped in time. Perhaps, if there is no hope for an American Pinochet, only a libertarian counterrevolution will be the only way out of the mess which is about to happen.
Arjozof 1 year ago

Thuz is not using the Turner Diaries to symbolize socialism [sic]. He’s using it as a warning in much the same way that Timothy McVeigh was inspired by it. The same is true with the use of the OKC bombing imagery.