
Religious Right Craziness on Steroids: Hillary Clinton Is Plotting to Shut Down Churches and Synagogues

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce9/14/2012 7:54:38 pm PDT

After reading a little more about this Kamal Saleem character, I tend to think that he’d faint dead away if he ever heard a gunshot, never mind if he came within 100 miles of any of the stuff he claims to have been involved in. He reminds me of a bizarro-world version of the guys who go around falsely claiming to be Navy SEALS and “special forces commandos”.

30+ years ago, my dad worked for a guy (in an executive position in 1970s Corporate America) who often told tales of his heroic exploits as an “intelligence operative” during WWII. Then someone accidentally learned his date of birth, and thereby discovered that he would have been performing all these deep-cover operations behind German lines at the ripe age of 15.