
Will a Child Rapist Walk Free in Saudi Arabia?

Destro2/09/2013 10:43:29 am PST

re: #30 Dark_Falcon

re: #32 Interesting Times

re: #17 Gus

I am not a Serb but I don’t begrudge the Serbs not wanting to live under the regimes of the Nazi past embracing Croats

or the Bosnian Muslim regime headed by a former supporter of the Nazi SS sponsored Handzar division

I mean I don’t like the fact that Russians raped German women at will when they entered Germany but I won’t side with the fucking Nazi Germans over that either.

Sorry, the world is not black and white. Maybe you dumb ass Americans should have realized that after veterans of the foreign jihad contingent of the Bosnian Muslim army carried out the 9/11 attacks on us (9/11 hijackers Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi).