
Greenwald on the Amash Amendment: Obama Is Literally in Cahoots With GOP

piratedan7/26/2013 1:46:47 am PDT

re: #325 Heywood Jabloeme

and I was supposed to know that how exactly?

then…. as a courtesy, don’t attribute it to me….

you wanna support GG and Snowden, feel free. You want to point out the potential abuses in the system, that is a fine and noble calling but you are missing a couple of extremely key items imho… both GG and Snowden have alleged that the US Government and specifically the NSA have broken laws. I have yet to see any proof in any publication listing what laws have been violated and how they have been violated.

the only laws that anyone has any proof of being broken are by Snowden himself, in illegally downloading classified documents in violation of the Espionage Act, which Snowden has freely admitted to doing. I have a pretty solid understanding that breaking laws that you feel are unjust can very well be an act of civil disobedience, as I’ve cited above, the people who do so (engaging in civil disobedience) break those laws and turn themselves in, in order to protest the existence of those laws.

The gentleman that you so stoically defend hasn’t done that. I don’t want to hear that his life is in danger, it’s not like this guy is some black teenager in a hoodie in a white neighborhood. He’s a middle class white guy with a good government contractors job who has contacts with Wikileaks and GG, this bullshit about his life being in danger is just that, bullshit. If Glenn fucking Beck and Rush Limbaugh or even Pamella Geller haven’t been jailed for sedition, then this guy has nothing to worry about other than making his case and doing his time.