
Jeb Bush Is a Fan of "Scientific Racist" Charles Murray

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam4/30/2015 8:34:31 pm PDT

re: #323 BeachDem

Maybe I just have a highly sensitive creep sensor. There are some people who just totally creep me out when I am around them. Tim Scott, our esteemed Senator, is one of them.

Any time I’ve been in the same room with him, I have an extreme visceral reaction, chills up and down my spine, and I can’t get away fast enough. There is just something about him that sets off alarms.

I believe, even if I didn’t know what I already know about him, that upchuck would cause the same reaction. There is just something creepy about his persona.

Some people can’t help but exude their inner self, no matter how much they try to disguise it. Something in their manner, or their eyes, or speech patterns, or all of that can send up alarms. If dogs bark at them for no apparent reason, and toddlers avoid them or cry when nearby, chances are something is wrong.