
Saturday Jam: Steven Wilson, Perfect Life

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge6/07/2015 8:17:07 am PDT

From Ed Brayton on today’s 50th anniversary of Griswold vs. Connecticut:

Happy Access to Birth Control Day

The inimitable (who would want to imitate him?) Bob Bork on the decision:

Every clash between a minority claiming freedom and a majority claiming power to regulate involves a choice between the gratification of the two groups…why is sexual gratification more worthy than moral gratification?…

No activity that society thinks immoral is victimless. Knowledge that an activity is taking place is a harm to those who find it profoundly immoral….

Unless we can distinguish forms of gratification, the only course for a principled court is to let the majority have its way in both cases. It is clear that the court cannot make the necessary distinction. There is no principled way to decide that one man’s gratifications are more deserving of respect than another’s or that one form of gratification is more worthy than another.

(Emphasis mine)