
Young Americans for Freedom Give Ron Paul the Boot

Dark_Falcon2/12/2011 7:27:19 pm PST

re: #303 jamesfirecat

How do you imagine it would end with the left being violently suppressed?

Sorry Dark but as I see things, if Bush was put on trial we’d see an uprising from right against Obama’s government which I just can’t see them winning since “the left” would have the army on their side

What situation do you see coming Dark?

I don’t doubt that you’re right, maybe I could be wrong and that the pain Bush’s trial would create wouldn’t be worth the results, and that the eyes history will give W what is coming to him even if a trial can’t, but still I would like to understand your thought process better Dark…

James, given the Army’s involvement in the War on Terror, i don’t think you can be sure they would back the government. Because the next demand would be for the trials of generals. Thus the military might decide to protect itself and turn on the government.