
Overnight Open Thread

Guanxi886/09/2011 9:12:10 am PDT

So, I’m thinking of switching up my booze for this evening. Gin had long been my fuel of choice, but, frankly, it makes me mean (well, meaner than I am without gin, anyway). I’d been downing bourbon with great regularity (and gusto, let me add), but I find it’s making me maudlin, and leading to internal monologues that sound far too much like Quentin’s father explaining to him about his grandfather’s pocket watch and the whole Sutpen deal, so I’m thinking to phase it out.

I used to guzzle brandy with great frequency - hell, I used to carry a flask of it on me more or less constantly (well, that or B&B) when I lived up North. So, maybe brandy tonight.

I’m in Texas, so you might say “hey, why not tequila?” Well, I just can’t seem to “get” that particular liquor - something about it just doesn’t work for me.

Any other suggestions?

Remember, your fellow lizards will have to deal with the effects, so choose wisely.