
Truther Document 'Signatories' Say They Were Misled

Dreader19629/04/2009 11:36:20 am PDT

re: #255 Sharmuta

This is where anti-intellectualism takes its greatest toll. Folks don’t want to gather evidence and base their conclusions on such. They form their hypothesis and look for evidence to fit their pre-existing conclusion. It’s really amazing how much not teaching science and the scientific method affects the ability of society to think critically.

You can almost script it:

Original Poster (hereafter - OP): “Look what I’ve found!”
Responding Poster (hereafter - RP): “I dunno - looks like a turd to me…”
OP: “No, it’s a shiny new quarter!”
RP: “Then why does it smell so much?”
OP: “It doesn’t matter! It still is worth something!”
RP: “Where did you get it from?”
OP: “Well, I pulled it out of the outhouse, but why does that matter?”
RP: “Isn’t that where all the shit goes?”
OP: “Yeah, but sometimes there is valuable stuff that winds up in there!”

Continue ad nauseum - the OP never drops the turd and winds up with shit all over him.

I tried to make it as generic as possible. It doesn’t matter if this behavior is seen on the left or the right, we see it all over these blogs. Let’s promise to drop turds when it becomes obvious and not pick them up again.