
A Twisted Little Short Horror Film: "The Vicious"

lawhawk3/16/2020 6:09:06 am PDT

Greets and saluts from the NYC metro area. We’re safe and working from home, but many folks can’t afford that luxury or don’t have a job that allows them to work from home because they’re in direct contact with the public - that includes all the folks working at supermarkets trying to keep shelves stocked, people doing deliveries of food, and restaurant workers who are preparing food, etc.

And then there’s EMTs, public health workers, law enforcement, and members of the military. All face risks that can’t be mitigated by social distancing or require contact with those who might be sick.

So, now we know servicemembers aboard one Navy ship has been diagnosed - and there will be more.

This is going to go from bad to worse, and Trump’s only care is to keep the market inflated. He’s perfectly fine if people die, hospitals collapse under the strain, and untold misery for millions.

While the CDC is recommending cancellations of events with 50 or more people, Trump will continue to ignore social distancing, lead from behind, and ignore the recommendations, because it would harm the markets - even though his inaction is what’s sending the markets in to a spiral and the recognition that doing nothing will cause major harms that could be mitigated with aggressive actions now (or weeks ago).