
Overnight Open Thread

summergurl2/20/2009 4:27:59 am PST

re: #321 3 wood

Good morning.

Look for the market to open down as the futures and Asian markets all are down as well.

The market tested and broke through the previous Dow low that wa set in November. That means you could have very sharp selling as scared investors run for the exit and wait for a new low to be found.

Obama’s plans have flopped in the eyes of many investors, and in fact I think the market has pretty much had it with this “hand out for losers” mentality going on now. The realization is setting in that we elected a Marxist.

The Dow is down 9% and the S&P down 8.5% since Obama was sworn in.

Somewhere, Stalin is smiling.

Morning 3 Wood -

Did you see the video of the reporter on the Chicago trading floor rallying the troops? Bailing out someone by lowering their interest rate to 2% when they can’t even afford 0% is ludicrous.