
Friday Evening Music: XTC, 'The Disappointed'

Randall Gross9/11/2009 8:58:19 pm PDT

Charles, if you still have contacts in the Netherlands it might be good to see if we can get a translation of this:

Youtube Video

Babelfish translation of the write up for the vid:

Flemish television will observe undercover a look in a extreem right nursery foto’ s of Adolf Hitler to the wall hang beside hang out the flag of the VMO and foto’ s of Bert Eriksson (founder Flemish block-system and notorious Nazi partisan) The woman says for example that ” in former days the Jews the problem was but now is the Moroccans and Turks the probleem”. The house lies also once more full fire weapons (the man of the huizes is devotee of weapons). Striking detail: according to the onthaalmoeder the extreem right and Flemish nationalist youth associations ” is; AVNJ and VNJ the same as the Hitlerjugend”.