
Greenland Ice Melting Faster Than Ever

Capitalist Tool11/17/2009 3:54:59 pm PST

re: #304 harrisam

This is just a question/ thought. Has anyone in the scientific community looked at the possibility that the earth underneath the Greenland Ice Sheet has warmed up. Considering the vents & geothermal energy that Iceland displays & uses & the research on Yellowstone, a warming earth in the area is not out of the question, is it?

That’s a good question. Probably little effect overall.
There is quite a bit of undersea volcanic activity in the Arctic ocean/Northern Pacific right now, but haven’t seen numbers to suggest that geothermal venting plays anything other than a minor role in melting Arctic sea ice.
Still, Greenland is right close to Iceland, which exists thanks to Vulcan.

Beats me… too many variables involved in the whole debate.
Anytime anyone tells me, from either side of the debate, that “The debate is settled”, all I can think of is Al Gore.