
Rush Limbaugh, Defender of the Lord's Resistance Army

Fat Bastard Vegetarian10/14/2011 9:58:12 pm PDT

re: #318 Lidane

Lacto-Ovo is pretty much the only kind of vegetarian I could be. I can eat veggie without a fuss, and even have the occasional vegan meal, but no way in hell am I giving up dairy or eggs, especially when they get mixed so well into dessert. ;)

Still, I’m a Texas girl at heart. Just try getting between me and some good barbecue brisket or a medium rare steak. Heh.

I was vegan for three years. It sucked. I love an omelet. I love me some pie. And, well? There’s the whole cake thing.

My son is super-vegan (won’t even eat honey). I’m proud as hell of him for having the discipline.