
Hollerado: Americanarama

Killgore Trout11/10/2011 9:36:55 pm PST

re: #310 windsagio

So he did the same thing before and won? The pattern is terribly clear.

I never “won”. just like I won’t “win” now.I may be right or wrong but that’s not the point. Do you see any posts on the stalker blogs from all those people who flounced over the Tea Party stuff acknowledging that I was right? They still claim they’re winning and any defeats are chalked up to not being Tea Party enough. I didn’t win on the Tea Party and I won’t win on OWS. I’m quite comfortable with that.
LGF may go hard left and will never admit there were any faults with OWS no matter what happens just like Hot Air will never acknowledge the Tea Party was a stupid idea. That’s not within my control despite the people who think otherwise.