
Is Chuck C. Johnson Collaborating with a Criminal Revenge Porn Extortionist?

ObserverArt4/05/2015 5:27:23 pm PDT

re: #328 Nyet

If you see something too good to be true, go against your bias, assume it’s not until proven otherwise.

If you see a twitter or an FB quote, assume it’s fake until proven otherwise.

Sometimes they will turn out to be true, but mostly not.

I tend to only go with the quotes that can be seen/heard coming from their mouths. If there is video or good verifiable audio, I’ll take it.

And that usually is fine as many of the people that get the fake quotes attributed to them don’t really need it. They’ve been quoted with plenty of the crazy.

I think what happens, some people become such a joke, get into the mainstream, and then they get mocked. That is where people run with the super crazed added quotes. Part of the internet experience too. Stuff gets around faster than the context can be understood.